With Our Flexible, Affordable, Online Job-Training Program

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Meet the Pizza Chefs

Marco Montuori Pizza Chef

Marco Montuori


Marco Montuori is a young and dynamic Pizza Chef who made innovation and quality the basis of his success in the field.

His personal philosophy is to share professional and technical knowledge to passionate Pizza Chef all over the world, focusing on the right maturation of the dough in order to get refined products with the highest level of digestibility.

Pinsa Romana is his specialty but he collected many awards for Pizza in Teglia Romana and acrobatics Pizza as well.

Davide D'Eramo


Davide is a Chef passionate about cooking who likes to innovate, mixing unusual flavours with traditional recipes

Thanks to his double citizenship he left for Toronto with the aim of introducing Canadians to a new concept of pizza; soon the restaurant he was working for became awarded as “Best Pizza in Town”.

Several trainings later became a Professional teacher and consultant at Pinsa School, specialized in Pizza in Teglia Romana and Gourmet-3D toppings.

contact us

Pizza & pinsa courses for professionals and amateurs

Where To Find Us

Via di Sant’Alessandro, 7 – 00131 Rome (RM) – Italy

Opening Hours:
Monday – Friday
09:30 am – 17:30 pm
Saturday – Sunday – Closed